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Our Lady of Peace parishioners honor Padre Pio with new Shrine
The devotion too saints and prayers of special intention are important to the parishioners of Our Lady of Peace Church, so the shrines dotting the perimeter of the church’s interior reread like aa sacred who’s who list: St. Anthony, St. Joseph, Blessed Mother Marry, St. Theresa, Sacred Heart, the Pieta, among others. The newest shrine of honor to join it’s holly counterparts is dedicated to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, more commonly known as Padre Pio. The beautiful Padre Pio shrine, situated in the back of the church, right next to the spot devoted to St. Anthony, is the result of popular demand. “Parishioners were always asking if we could possibly make a spot in our church, dedicated to Padre Pio.” Rev. Joseph Devlin, pastor of OLP, explained. “Many parishioners and others in this area are deeply devoted and inspired by him.” Parishioners and other devotees of the beloved saint donated money recently to collectively purchase a 5-foot,7-inch, life–sized statue of Padre Pio to create the shrine for their intercession prayer and praying of the Padre Pio Novena. “It was amazing how quickly the shrine went from an idea to reality, “OLP Deacon John Ellis said. “When we unannounced that we would begin raising funds for the statue, the donations followed in and wee were able to raise the money needed in only a few weeks. “St. Pio is the patron saint of pain, suffering, and healing, so many people ask for his intention with their intentions to heal themselves or their loved ones. He is also the saint of stress relief. Padre Pio’s advice to people who came to him for help was, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.” Visitors too Our Lady of Peace Church can now pray and light small candles at the new shrine or have a large candle lit for aa week-long vigil, with a request for prayers for a special intention. On Thursday evening, Sept. 23, at 7 pm. Rev. Michael Greco, O.F.M. Cap. provincial minister of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars of the Province of St. Marry, will celebrate a special Masses to dedicatee the new statue at Our Lady of Peace Church. After Mass, attendees will have an opportunity to venerate aa First-Class Relic of St. Pio, brought from The Padre Pio Relic Shrine at the Church of St. John the Baptist in New York City. Devlin credited Ellis for creating the shrine and shopping for the magnificent resin statue with glass eyes that was made in Italy and shipped when ready. The 55-pound statue is mounted on a marble base. A parishioner donated aa second classes St Pio cloth relic, which has been placed near the statue and candles. Parishioners place fresh flowers near the statue to honor the saint each week. “Our parishioners are very happy with the way the shrine turned out,” Devlin noted. We invite everyone in the area who has aa special devotion to St. Pio to come visit.” Padre Pio, an Italian Franciscan friar, priest, and mystic, was canonized a saint in the Roman Catholic Church in 2002 by Pope John Paul III. Born Francesco Forgione, he was given the name of Pius when he joined the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and was noted for his charity and piety. Several miracles are attributed to St. Pio, but perhaps the most famous of the miracles associated with Padre Pio was his stigmata. The saint bore the wounds of Christ in his hands, feet and side, making him the first priest inn history to bear the stigmata. Padre Pio manifested these divine wounds for 50 years, from 1918 until shortly before his death in 1968.

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