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know the true importance of human connection
Adult Faith Formation
For more information please contact Deacon James Basilio, (484) 431-8689
Alter Servers
For more information please contact Deacon John Ellis, (610) 532-8081
Bereavement Group/Helping Hands
This group works with families after the loss of a loved one to help plan the Funeral Liturgy. The group also is responsible for the Bereavement Support group meetings to help those who participate in their journey through the grieving process. Helping Hands sends cards periodically to those who have lost a loved one throughout the year, particularly Easter and Christmas. Also, in conjunction with the Bereavement Group, send out invitations for the Memorial Mass in November.
Bereavement / Deacon James Basilio, (484) 431-8689
Helping Hands / Irene Sakowski, (610) 544-5541
Board of Limited Jurisdiction
The purpose of this board is to promote and advance the mission of the school for the education and instruction of students in assisting them to “reach the fullness of the Christian life.” Following criteria prescribed by the Office of Catholic Education of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, board membership represents the constituency it serves- including the school, alumni, Parishes and those supportive of Catholic Education. The board strives to have members with various areas of expertise including business, education, finance and law. Members serve a three year term and may serve two consecutive terms. The Board consists of these committees; Executive, Development, Marketing/Enrollment, Membership, Facilities and Finance.
Ed Henderson, (215) 407-4529
Carnival Committee
The Carnival Committee plans and executes the annual Parish carnival, a significant fund raising activity for the Parish. This includes scheduling, coordinating the activity with the different components of the Parish and local authorities, advertising, purchasing supples, soliciting contributions and volunteers, assigning the volunteers to a particular job and time, and managing the operation and receipts during the event. It also involves initiating events at the carnival which will attract the largest possible crowds. All are welcome to participate.
Rich McKinney, (215) 778-6108
Choir/Music Director
Please contact Mrs. Kathryn McDermott for more information; (856) 381-3633
Christmas Bazaar
The Christmas Bazaar Committee is to organize our annual Christmas Bazaar which is a huge fundraiser for the Parish and is usually held the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Rose Moran, (610) 256-9127
Communion Call
This group of Eucharistic Ministers visits and Parish member who is unable to attend weekly Mass or is considered a “shut in” to bring them Communion. This is done on a weekly basis, but can be accommodated upon request at any time. Parishioners are urged to proved the names of any loved one, family, friend or neighbor in the Parish to the rectory so that our Eucharistic Ministers can visit them.
Jackie Basquill, (610) 328-3296
Our Lady of Peace Parish offers our youth the opportunity to grow in Faith and a relationship with God. Children will grow great sense of sportsmanship and learn the meaning of teamwork.
Mathew Calamita, (610) 952-2171
Down to Earth Christians
This group involves dedicated Parishioners who maintain and keep up with the landscaping of our Parish.
Linda Basilio, (610) 659-5218
Children’s Drama Program
This program allows our Parish children attending Notre Dame de Lourdes School or attending OLP Prep Program to participate. The program performs an annual Broadway show in the early Spring at the OLP gym and normally performs four shows. The program encourages self-confidence, communication, imagination, social interaction, public speaking and teamwork. It also promotes the arts and provides growth opportunities for all varieties of learners. Besides being incredibly fun, musical theatre helps young people develop many of the skills necessary in today’s world. The production normally begins with auditions in the Fall and some short rehearsals before the end of the year. Full production begins in January with preparations for the show to include set build and design, costume groundwork, rehearsals and planning for the show.
Jackie Basquill, (610) 328-3296
For more information please contact, Deacon Jim Basilio, (484) 431-8689 / Pat Ireland, (484) 620-7149 / Julian Roe
Feed the Poor
This group will meet on Sunday afternoons at 12pm in Our Lady of Peace cafeteria. We are looking for volunteers to help make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to feed the poor in Kensington, Philadelphia. Donations are also accepted and can go in the collection baskets during Mass. Please note on envelope.
Tom Dillon, (610) 585-9031
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory group established by Canon Law and oversees the management and overall financial performance of the Parish. This Council reviews the Parish investment managed by outside Financial Advisors. It periodically reviews the financial reports generated by the Parish Business Manager in order to ensure that the Parish is fiscally responsible meeting all of its debt obligations. The Council further reviews the strategic long term capital building improvement needs of the Parish’s two location campus.
Ralph Cicalese
For more information please contact Rose Moran, (610) 256-9127
Liturgical Minister
This group of Parishioners serve the Parish by mistering as lectors and Eucharistic Ministers at all Masses throughout the year.
Jackie Basquill, (610) 328-3296
Parish Religious Education Program
The Prep program shares the light and Faith by including four primary components of effective religious education. These include; Message, Community, Worship and Service.
Mary Beinlich
Pastoral Council
The Parish Council was established to review the necessities and desires of the Parish to include, but not restricted to fund raising, ground and building improvements, social and community obligations, and the spiritual growth of our Parishioners. Together, we will be dedicated to inspire and strengthen all members to know our Faith and serve the needs of others.
Deacon Bill Koniers, (203) 395-6242 / Jackie Basquill, (610) 328-3296
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This Ministry provides hand crafted shawls representing a mantle of care and love from our Parish to the recipient. The love of knitting and/or crocheting and love of neighbor have combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace.
Kerrigan McKay, (610) 864-5983
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The implementation of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Primarily a journey of Faith from the awareness of stirring of Faith and curiosity within one’s heart through all those stages of asking and seeking. To a life of Faith, love and justice lived in communion with Catholics throughout the world.
Parish Office; (610) 532-8081
Scripture Study
All are welcome to join every Wednesday night at 7-8pm in OLP Gym for Scripture Study and Faith Sharing. There is no registration or fees and no supplies are required. Please join us for Faith and fellowship.
Pat Ireland, (484) 620-7149
Women’s Craft Group
For more information please contact Barbara Walker

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