Ask the Clergy
What is “Ask the Clergy”?
Our “Ask the Clergy” program is an opportunity where you can anonymously address questions to the clergy of Our Lady of Peace Parish about issues of liturgy, catechesis, Sacred Scripture, Dogma, or the latest developments from the Vatican. Questions may be submitted on our website and responses will be issued weekly.
Questions may also be submitted non-electronically. Slips of paper are available at the tree in the main vestibule at Our Lady of Peace and to the left of the pulpit at Notre Dame de Lourdes. Inquiries can be left at these “Groves of Goodness” or placed in the collection basket. Responses will be printed in the bulletin, website, and in the newsletter.
A note from Father Joe: There are several books that offer questions about who we are, what we do, and what we believe. Two that come to mind are “The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything”, and “Dear Pope Francis”. “The Jesuit Guide” explores the relationship of prayer and spirituality to our lives as practicing Catholics and our role as disciples. “Dear Pope Francis” is a collection of letters that children have submitted to our Holy Father and his responses to their questions. Similarly, “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” offers catechesis of who we are and what we believe.
What are the requirements to be a godparent?
What is the purpose of incense?
How does the ministry of a priest differ from the diaconal ministry?
What is the Magisterium?
Why are there so many ribbons in the altar book that is used for Mass?
Explain the difference between a diocese and an archdiocese.
Why are rose vestments only worn twice a year?
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