The Quick Glance Catechism for the Sacrament of Baptism is listed below. Items numbered four through seven refer to the anointings and the Holy Oils that are used for the celebration of Baptism. There are two anointings in the Sacrament of Baptism. The second anointing occurs after the child has been infused with the Holy Water of the Baptismal Font. This anointing, with Sacred Chrism, invites the newly baptized into a threefold relationship with the Church as a servant, witness, and leader.
The first anointing occurs before the infusion with the Holy Water of the Baptismal Font. This first anointing is with the Oil of Catechumens. This anointing with the Sacred Oil occurs on the chest of the individual to be baptized. It is this oil that removes the stain of Original Sin and protects us and strengthens us for our struggle with sin and temptation in the future.
Lent begins on Wednesday. Lent is a season of reawakening the grace of our own baptism as we await the recommitment of ourselves with that grace at Easter through the blessing of the Baptismal Water.
Perhaps this Lent will afford you the opportunity to put those oils through some intense spiritual exercises. The ashes on our foreheads offer a visible witness to our faith. Yet, since they are the ashen remnants of the palm that greeted Jesus, they provide a reminder to us that we too are to welcome Christ at all times and to witness to him both externally and internally.
The oils offer us the opportunity for service. Our missionary leadership team has been preparing for their Holy Week experience. As always your prayerful support as well as your generous provisions for our many volunteers makes the week meaningful for so many and provides sustenance, both spiritually, and physically as they walk where the Master trod. As we wash feet on Holy Thursday we look forward to the cleansing grace of remaining with the Vine through all night adoration in front of the Repository at OLP on Holy Thursday. All are welcome.
Lenten leadership can take the form of inviting people to worship with us on Sundays. We had 716 worshippers with us this past Sunday – the largest number on a non Christmas, Palm Sunday, or Easter weekend since I have been here. It is beautiful to see our churches filled. Perhaps Lent could offer those who are hesitant about the practice of the faith the motivation they need to join with us in prayer and worship of the Most Holy Trinity.
Lent is a time of reconciliation. Additional times for the Sacrament of Penance are available on four Sundays of Lent – March 16, 23, 30 and April 6. The times are 10:45-11:30 am at ND and 12:30-1:15 pm at OLP. Further, during Lent, we will begin to offer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturdays during Confessions at OLP from 3:30-4:15 pm.
This is the Lent of the Jubilee of Hope. Get ready to use God’s grace, and his sacred oils, to advance his Kingdom; for OLP is the place to be and NDDL allows your faith to excel!
Quick Glance Catechism: Baptism Terms
- Baptism – this Sacrament welcomes us into the Church and frees us from original sin and all personal sins. “Through the Holy Spirit, baptism is a bath that purifies, justifies, and sanctifies.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church – CCC 1227)
- Baptismal Formula – a minister baptizes by pouring water over the person’s forehead while blessing them – “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
- Minister of Baptism – Bishop, priest, or deacon. In the case of necessity any person may baptize (CCC 1256).
- Anointed – it means a person has been set apart for a special mission. We are anointed by holy oil when we are baptized and confirmed.
- Holy Oil – is a special oil, blessed by the bishop, and used for the celebration of Sacraments in parishes.
- Kinds of Holy Oil – The Oil of the Sick (OI = Oleum Infirmorum), the Oil of Catechumens (OC = Oleum Catechumenorum), and Sacred Chrism (SC = Sanctum Chrisma).
- Oils used for Baptism – OC and SC.
- White Garment – the person baptized has put on Christ (identifies with Christ) and has risen with Christ (CCC 1243).
- Candle – signifies that Christ has enlightened us and we are called to bring the light to the world.
- Godparents / Sponsors – individuals who help the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it. These individuals must be baptized Catholics, confirmed and at least sixteen years of age.
- Holy Water – water that is blessed by a priest or deacon. Holy Water fonts are kept at the entrances of churches as a reminder of our own baptism.