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65 years!

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“On Sunday 20 December 1959 groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the new “chapel” and school. Nearly two hundred parishioners braved the cold weather that day to see Father Charles Nelson turn the first spadefuls of dirt and give a short talk. Assisting Father Nelson in the ceremony were Rev. John J. McGovern of St. Kevin Parish, and Rev. Denis O’Neill… Read More »65 years!

Holy Day of Obligation

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Mr. Alexander Cunningham, the seminarian speaker for the St. Charles Seminary Appeal, sent a note thanking you for welcoming him and meeting with him. “Thank you for welcoming me into your parish and home. It was a great blessing to me. I enjoyed meeting the parishioners and clergy. You have such a beautiful community and Our Lady of Peace and… Read More »Holy Day of Obligation

First Sunday of Advent

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Blessings as we conclude our Thanksgiving weekend celebrations. I pray that you enjoyed a special time with family and friends in celebration of all the abundant goodness that God has shared with you.  In this season of giving and thankfulness we are reminded of those who face food insecurities throughout the year. Bins are located at the entrances of both… Read More »First Sunday of Advent

Thanksgiving Mass

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Thank you to all our volunteers and to all who supported our annual Christmas Bazaar. Thanks to those who organized the event, cooked or staffed the kitchen, manned the many tables, or helped to keep Nelson Hall looking spiffy. Thanks to the Mission Youth Group and the Knights of Columbus for assisting throughout the weekend. Special thanks to Santa and… Read More »Thanksgiving Mass


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 Our Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Peace on Thursday 28 November at 8:30 am.  All are most welcome to join us in giving praise and thanksgiving to God for all the blessings we have received.   The 7:00 pm Tuesday Mass was instituted in September 2023. This Mass was added to our schedule when I was assigned… Read More »GIVING

Many Thanks to you!

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Thank you for your generous participation in the Stockings for Soldiers collection sponsored by the sixth-grade class at Notre Dame de Lourdes School. Your generosity will enable those serving so valiantly in defense of our country and its principles to feel the warmth of your care, support and encouragement during the Christmas season. Thank you again.   Tomorrow, 11 November is… Read More »Many Thanks to you!

Holy Souls

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The month of November, as the final month of the Liturgical Year, is dedicated to the Holy Souls. Throughout this month those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith will be remembered at all Masses. The following is an ancient prayer to St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of departing souls.   O St. Joseph, whose protection is… Read More »Holy Souls

All Saints Day

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Boxes are located at the entrances of our Churches for the 21st annual Stockings for Soldiers collection sponsored by the sixth-grade class at Notre Dame de Lourdes School. Suggested items for the collection include:  Food products: 8oz. or less packed meals – tuna, lasagna, beef-a-roni, etc. / granola, fruit bars, breakfast bars / cookies, nuts, pretzels, trail-mix / jerky /… Read More »All Saints Day

World Mission Sunday

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Today is World Mission Sunday. The theme is: “Go and invite everyone to the banquet.” (Matthew 22:9) World Mission Sunday “serves as a clarion call to mobilize faith, resources and action in support of the Mission Church in places where the faith is young, growing, or facing particular challenges.” Your generous donation helps to educate children, assist catechists, and educate… Read More »World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday

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Thank you to all our Drama Program volunteers for a most successful Karaoke evening on Saturday, 5 October. The Karaoke singers added to an entertaining evening that featured face-painting, assorted games, vendors, and a surprise visit by the Cowardly Lion! Thank you also to our friends from Roma Deli for donating the hoagie trays. Thank you to our friends from… Read More »World Mission Sunday