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Memorial of St. Blaise

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Tomorrow, 3 February is the memorial of St. Blaise. St. Blaise was a martyr in the early fourth century. St. Blaise once saved a child from choking, so he is invoked as a patron saint for ailments of the throat. Throats are traditionally blessed on this day to call on St. Blaise to intercede for us and to strengthen us… Read More »Memorial of St. Blaise

First Ordinary Cycle in the Church’s liturgical year

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Today’s second reading from First Corinthians address the gifts that the Holy Spirit “allots to everyone according to his will.” (1 Cor 12:11). Last year, in his Wednesday audience addresses, Pope Francis offered catechesis about the various graces of the Holy Spirit. These graces are shared through the Sacraments, through prayer, through the cooperation of the individual allowing faith to… Read More »First Ordinary Cycle in the Church’s liturgical year

Feast of the Baptism of The Lord

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Today’s bulletin contains an insert of a pastoral letter from Archbishop Perez. This letter is an invitation to attend an information session about our future and our ability to “navigate forward together toward that future as the Church of Philadelphia.”   The letter, and the information sessions are built upon a pastoral change of heart which acknowledges the 17% of the… Read More »Feast of the Baptism of The Lord

Happy New Year!

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Welcome to the New Year. 2025 represents the quarter mark of the twenty-first century.  It seems like yesterday that we were worried about the Y2K bug. Blessings to you and yours as we begin this New Year.   As we begin the new year it is time to celebrate and remember what brought us here. The celebrations of the Sacraments of… Read More »Happy New Year!

In Celebration of the Holy Family

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Today we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the unconditional love they share with each other. The following prayer of blessing of families is from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  We bless your name, O Lord, for sending your own incarnate Son, to become part of a family, so that, as he lived its life, he… Read More »In Celebration of the Holy Family

“Pilgrims of Hope.”

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The Holy Year, the Jubilee 2025, with the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” opens Christmas Eve with the rite of the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica before Pope Francis celebrates midnight Mass. Subsequently, Holy Doors will be opened at Rome’s three other major basilicas: St. John Lateran on Dec. 29, St. Mary Major on Jan. 1,… Read More »“Pilgrims of Hope.”

65 years!

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“On Sunday 20 December 1959 groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the new “chapel” and school. Nearly two hundred parishioners braved the cold weather that day to see Father Charles Nelson turn the first spadefuls of dirt and give a short talk. Assisting Father Nelson in the ceremony were Rev. John J. McGovern of St. Kevin Parish, and Rev. Denis O’Neill… Read More »65 years!

Holy Day of Obligation

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Mr. Alexander Cunningham, the seminarian speaker for the St. Charles Seminary Appeal, sent a note thanking you for welcoming him and meeting with him. “Thank you for welcoming me into your parish and home. It was a great blessing to me. I enjoyed meeting the parishioners and clergy. You have such a beautiful community and Our Lady of Peace and… Read More »Holy Day of Obligation

First Sunday of Advent

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Blessings as we conclude our Thanksgiving weekend celebrations. I pray that you enjoyed a special time with family and friends in celebration of all the abundant goodness that God has shared with you.  In this season of giving and thankfulness we are reminded of those who face food insecurities throughout the year. Bins are located at the entrances of both… Read More »First Sunday of Advent

Thanksgiving Mass

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Thank you to all our volunteers and to all who supported our annual Christmas Bazaar. Thanks to those who organized the event, cooked or staffed the kitchen, manned the many tables, or helped to keep Nelson Hall looking spiffy. Thanks to the Mission Youth Group and the Knights of Columbus for assisting throughout the weekend. Special thanks to Santa and… Read More »Thanksgiving Mass