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“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.” Acts of the Apostles 2:1 Greetings. Soon for our seventh grade students the time for Pentecost will be fulfilled. On Saturday we will gather in one place together and welcome Bishop McIntyre who will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation upon our PREP and our Notre Dame… Read More »Confirmation!

The Start of Lent

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Greetings. We are less than a week into our Lenten observances. Let’s continue our preparation for the season. Never on a Sunday? Is it permissible to forgo your Lenten sacrifices on Sunday? Every Sunday of the year is a celebration of the Resurrection – feast rather than fast. Yet certain Sundays carry a distinctive character of the season. Advent Sundays… Read More »The Start of Lent

Mardi Gras

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Greetings. Tuesday is Mardi Gras and the season of Lent begins on Wednesday. Mass on Ash Wednesday morning will be celebrated at 8:30 at Our Lady of Peace Church. A Liturgy of the Word with distribution of Ashes will be celebrated at Our Lady of Peace at 6:30 p.m., also at the Notre Dame worship site on Fairview Road at… Read More »Mardi Gras

Go Birds!

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Greetings. Annually, on the Sunday before Valentine’s Day, the Catholic Church recognizes World Marriage Day. Blessings upon all of our married couples and for those who are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. The following prayer is from the Book of Blessings.  Almighty and eternal God, you have so exalted the unbreakable bond of marriage that it has become the… Read More »Go Birds!

Welcome to February

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Greetings. February is the shortest month of the year since it was, until two millennia ago, the final month of the year. The idea was that the calendar would change when the seasons changed. Thus Spring would signal the need for a new calendar, and February would signal the need for Spring Cleaning. The name February itself is derived from… Read More »Welcome to February

Catholic Schools Week

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Today is the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. Catholic Schools Week was initiated in 1974 as an opportunity to celebrate and showcase the gift of Catholic education at both the primary and secondary levels. The theme of this year’s celebration is: “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” The kick-off Mass for our celebration of Catholic Schools Week will be at 10:00… Read More »Catholic Schools Week

Sainted Week

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Greetings. We are blessed to be at the threshold of a sainted week. Each day this week features these canonized in various ministries. This week features missionaries (St. Paul, St. Timothy, St. Titus), scholasticism (St. Thomas Aquinas), religious communities (St. Francis de Sales, St. Angela Merici), and healthcare professionals (St. Marianne Cope). The least known of that inspirational group would… Read More »Sainted Week


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This is the 94th anniversary of the birth of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Our nation will celebrate the legacy of Dr. King tomorrow with its annual Day of Service which is a fitting way to honor him. And so, we pray using his words from “A Time to Break Silence”, 4 April 1967.          “Ever present God, you… Read More »MLK Jr.

Blessings on this Feast of the Epiphany.

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Greetings OLP Parish. The prophet Isaiah reminds us today that “Nations shall walk by your light.” Thank you for your very generous support of our Christmas Giving Tree initiative which benefitted St. John’s Hospice. A truck from the Hospice collected your donations shortly before Christmas. They nearly needed a larger truck to store all your donations. Thank you for making… Read More »Blessings on this Feast of the Epiphany.