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You radiate goodness, you radiate hope, you radiate the Resurrection

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Recently I was watching a book discussion about eighteenth century America. The author spoke about the misperception of the geo-politics of the age. Our nation, rather than being separated by an east/west division of euro-centric to the east and indigenous to the west, was more like a series of wagon-wheels. The hubs of the wheel could either be the cities,… Read More »You radiate goodness, you radiate hope, you radiate the Resurrection

Easter Blessings!

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“This is the night, that with a pillar of fire banished the darkness of sin. This is the night that sets Christian believers apart from worldly vices and from the gloom of sin, leading them to grace and joining them to his holy ones. This is the night, when Christ broke the prison-bars of death and rose victorious from the… Read More »Easter Blessings!

Palm Sunday

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Confirmation was celebrated, by Bishop Fitzgerald, at Our Lady of Peace Parish on Tuesday. Congratulations to the Confirmation class, to their sponsors, and families. Thank you to our teachers, and catechists and for all who helped to prepare our students to receive this Sacrament of Christian Initiation.   Thank you to our Drama students, their parents, and to all who worked… Read More »Palm Sunday

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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The memorial of St. Patrick and the Solemnity of St. Joseph always are celebrated during the season of Lent, and in the waning days of the winter season. This week we celebrate these two saints, Patrick today, Joseph on Tuesday. The Breastplate of St. Patrick is traditionally associated with him in the fifth century as he sought divine protection in… Read More »Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Way of the Cross

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Our CYO program at Notre Dame de Lourdes celebrated their Sports Banquet last Sunday evening, 3 March. The banquet was a chance to celebrate all our student athletes, their coaches, and their achievements throughout this year. The players for each team were recognized and applauded while a standout player was honored for each team based on their leadership, service, and… Read More »Way of the Cross

Let us pray

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The Episcopal Ordination of Bishops-elect Keith Chylinski, Christopher Cooke, and Efren Esmilla is this Thursday, 7 March. There are three levels of Holy Orders, the Diaconate, the Presbyterate, and the Episcopacy, which is the fullness of Holy Orders. The three Bishops-elect will serve our Archdiocese as Auxiliary Bishops. We wish them the best as we pray.  We pray for the… Read More »Let us pray

Leap Day

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“Did he not by his own power stop the sun, so that one day became two.” (Sirach 46:4)   We will celebrate Leap Day this week. 29 February occurs every four years so that the calendar can catch up with the earth’s rotation around the sun. God is too quick for us, at least by six hours a year, so every… Read More »Leap Day

Lent Season

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Our Lady of Peace Parish will host a Healing Service this Thursday, 22 February from 6-9 p.m. The evening will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praise and worship, testimony, prayer teams, as well as opportunities to receive the Sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick. Please join us for a Night of Healing and Worship through the Sacraments.  … Read More »Lent Season

World Day of the Sick

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Today, 11 February is the annual World Day of the Sick. This day of prayer was instituted by Pope John Paul II in 1992 to commemorate the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes and the healing that occurs at Lourdes. Pope Francis, in his message for the World Day of the Sick, reminds us that “since the beginning of creation,… Read More »World Day of the Sick

The memorial of St. Blaise

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The memorial of St. Blaise is this weekend. Traditionally, the Catholic Church offers the blessing of throats on the memorial of St. Blaise. St. Blaise was a martyr in the early fourth century. St. Blaise lived as a hermit surrounded by wild animals as his companions – a St. Francis of Assisi a millennium early. The association with St. Blaise… Read More »The memorial of St. Blaise