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Ordination Season

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Given the light but steady rain of the previous night, the early morning humidity was not unexpected. Yet somehow the chapel’s floor maintained its chill. It was nearly nippy. This welcome temperature transition seemed to be mindful of the moment at hand. The Ontological Change of the Sacrament was within reach. The lay bowing to the clerical. I was soon… Read More »Ordination Season

May the Fourth be with you

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May begins tomorrow and it launches us into a very busy week liturgically. Our week begins with the celebration of the memorial of St. Joseph the Worker, on Monday, 1 May.  This feast was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1955 as a religious response to communist May Day celebrations. St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church… Read More »May the Fourth be with you


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I spent some time this past week back at Little Flower High School with the Class of 2018. It was not for their fifth year reunion but for a more somber gathering. The bestowal of a class ring to the family of a student who died during the Easter Break of her Freshman year. The bestowal of the ring is… Read More »Circle…

Divine Mercy Sunday

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Greetings. Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. This feast was instituted by Pope St. John Paul II in 2000. The feast of Divine Mercy originated from private revelations offered to Sr. Mary Faustina, in Poland, beginning in 1924 and culminating with the vision of Jesus as the “King of Divine Mercy” on 22 February 1931. Jesus, in this vision, asked Sr.… Read More »Divine Mercy Sunday

The Light of Easter

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From all of us here at Our Lady of Peace, we pray that you have a wonderful Easter. Blessings to you and yours in this season of Resurrection. Our worship spaces at Our Lady of Peace and Notre Dame de Lourdes are stunningly beautiful. Thanks to all of our church decorators. It was a very busy week preparing our worship… Read More »The Light of Easter

Holy Week

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Greetings and welcome to Holy Week. Remember that Good Friday, this Friday, is a day of abstinence from meat for anyone aged fourteen or older, and it is a fast day for anyone from age eighteen through age fifty-nine. Thanks, and blessings on this most sacred of days. Our parish’s Triduum commemorations, conducted at Our Lady of Peace Church, are… Read More »Holy Week

Presenting…Drama Club’s Production of Frozen Jr.

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Congratulations to everyone involved in our Drama Club production of Frozen Jr.  which concludes today. The performances have been spectacular and the production sensational. Thank you to all who have worked so diligently to prepare for these performances. You have graced us with your talents at recent Sunday Masses at both the Notre Dame de Lourdes and Our Lady of… Read More »Presenting…Drama Club’s Production of Frozen Jr.