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St. Charles Seminary

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The annual St. Charles Seminary Appeal is conducted through the month of November. The Seminary consists of the College Seminary, a four-year undergraduate program offering a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy; the Theological Seminary, a four-year graduate-level program, offers both a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts degree as well as preparation for ordination to the Roman… Read More »St. Charles Seminary

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Welcome to Thanksgiving week. Our Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Thursday morning at 8:30 at Notre Dame de Lourdes. Hopefully you can join us as we give thanks to God for the many blessings which we have received this year.  Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the Universe: you raised your beloved Son from the dead and made… Read More »Happy Thanksgiving!

Carpe Diem

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Thank you to all who worked so diligently to plan, organize, staff, and volunteer for the Christmas Bazaar. The Bazaar is always an essential social and financial activity for the parish, and it is a fitting start to making the season bright. Blessings to all. Pass the pound cake!  There are many great writers in Ancient Rome, Cicero, Vergil, and… Read More »Carpe Diem

Veterans’ Day

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The Christmas Bazaar is this Friday and Saturday at the Our Lady of Peace School Cafeteria. All are most welcome. Thank you to all who have planned and organized the Bazaar. Their work began in the summer and in some cases since the close of last year’s Bazaar. Thank you also to those who have donated items, prepared gift baskets,… Read More »Veterans’ Day

Remembering the Holy Souls

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The month of November is dedicated to the remembrance of the Holy Souls. The All Souls Day Mass, Thursday 2 November, will be celebrated at Notre Dame de Lourdes at 8:30 a.m. A Mass of Remembrance for the recently deceased of our Parish will be celebrated at Our Lady of Peace on Sunday 5 November at 11:30 a.m. With the… Read More »Remembering the Holy Souls

Thank you for your support!!

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Thank you to McCausland Garrity Marchesani Funeral Home for sponsoring the parish breakfast last week at Our Lady of Peace. The breakfast included scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, coffee, tea, and orange juice. It was a delicious way to start the day and of course a wonderful opportunity to socialize with fellow parishioners. Thank you again to McCausland Garrity Marchesani… Read More »Thank you for your support!!

The 61st anniversary of the Second Vatican Council

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Thank you to the McCausland Garrity Marchesani Funeral Home for sponsoring our breakfast this morning at the Cafeteria of Our Lady of Peace School. Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness.  Thank you to all who helped to plan, organize, and conduct our Parish’s Forty Hours Devotion and Social. As we continue with the National Eucharistic Revival, our Forty Hours… Read More »The 61st anniversary of the Second Vatican Council

The Synod

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Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, organized, or sponsored our Carnival at Notre Dame de Lourdes. Good food, good times, and weather that thankfully was not as wet as forecasted. Thank you again for your support. The funnel cake was well worth the wait.   Reminder of our Parish Breakfast at the Our Lady of Peace School building on Sunday,… Read More »The Synod

We love our animals!

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The Blessing of Animals will be celebrated on Sunday, 1 October at 1:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Peace. The blessing will take place outside at the convent side of the Church. I hope that you can join our furry, feathery, and scaly friends for this tradition. The following, from Franciscan Media, is a prayer of blessing for the occasion. … Read More »We love our animals!

Carnival week!

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Our parish Carnival is this week at Notre Dame de Lourdes. Enjoy your evenings at the Carnival (6-10 pm, Thursday through Saturday) and please pray for good weather throughout the course of the Carnival. Thank you to our Carnival organizers, sponsors, and volunteers. I’m coming funnel cake!  The Drama Program’s Karaoke event was a fun evening of singing, dancing, food,… Read More »Carnival week!