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Let us pray

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The Episcopal Ordination of Bishops-elect Keith Chylinski, Christopher Cooke, and Efren Esmilla is this Thursday, 7 March. There are three levels of Holy Orders, the Diaconate, the Presbyterate, and the Episcopacy, which is the fullness of Holy Orders. The three Bishops-elect will serve our Archdiocese as Auxiliary Bishops. We wish them the best as we pray.  We pray for the… Read More »Let us pray

Leap Day

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“Did he not by his own power stop the sun, so that one day became two.” (Sirach 46:4)   We will celebrate Leap Day this week. 29 February occurs every four years so that the calendar can catch up with the earth’s rotation around the sun. God is too quick for us, at least by six hours a year, so every… Read More »Leap Day

Lent Season

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Our Lady of Peace Parish will host a Healing Service this Thursday, 22 February from 6-9 p.m. The evening will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praise and worship, testimony, prayer teams, as well as opportunities to receive the Sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick. Please join us for a Night of Healing and Worship through the Sacraments.  … Read More »Lent Season

World Day of the Sick

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Today, 11 February is the annual World Day of the Sick. This day of prayer was instituted by Pope John Paul II in 1992 to commemorate the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes and the healing that occurs at Lourdes. Pope Francis, in his message for the World Day of the Sick, reminds us that “since the beginning of creation,… Read More »World Day of the Sick

The memorial of St. Blaise

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The memorial of St. Blaise is this weekend. Traditionally, the Catholic Church offers the blessing of throats on the memorial of St. Blaise. St. Blaise was a martyr in the early fourth century. St. Blaise lived as a hermit surrounded by wild animals as his companions – a St. Francis of Assisi a millennium early. The association with St. Blaise… Read More »The memorial of St. Blaise

Catholic Schools Week

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Thank you all for your generosity and your kindness at my Installation Liturgy as your pastor celebrated last Saturday evening, 20 January. Thanks to Monsignor Matz who, as our regional dean, led the celebration. Thanks also to all who helped to adorn the church and to our lectors, altar servers, deacons, and our music ministry for adding their talents to… Read More »Catholic Schools Week

“It was winter”

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“It was winter.” This simple yet highly complex sentence is from the Holy Gospel according to St. John. St. John uses this sentence, in verse twenty-two, as a transition within his tenth chapter – The Good Shepherd discourse.   Prior to verse twenty-two we are treated to the tender description of shepherds. Post twenty-two is the revolt of those being shepherded.… Read More »“It was winter”

MLK day

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Monday, 15 January is the 95th anniversary of the birth of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Days of service, in recognition of the life of Dr. King, are a treasured legacy of this holiday. Girard College, in Philadelphia, is a central gathering for our region’s service activities. Locally, an Interfaith Prayer Service will be celebrated on Sunday, 14… Read More »MLK day

The Feast of the Baptism of The Lord

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We welcomed 31,988 congregants into Our Lady of Peace Church and the Notre Dame de Lourdes worship site for the Sundays and Holy Days of 2023. This number represents an increase of 6,025 from 2022, an increase in Church attendance of 23.2%. We have had at least 500 participants at 44 of our Sunday Masses this year, compared with 13… Read More »The Feast of the Baptism of The Lord

Happy New Year!

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Thank you all for all your generous support of our parish this year. Your thoughtful stewardship has enabled us to enhance our parish initiatives as well as our facilities. Your generosity to our Christmas Flowers enabled Deacon Charlie and our team of Church decorators to spectacularly transform our worship spaces throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. A violet Advent blended… Read More »Happy New Year!