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Summit Celebration with Archbishop Perez

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Recently we received the following correspondence from Father Bernard Ukwuegbu, who spoke here in July on behalf of the Pontifical Missionary Society.   Beloved Parishioners of Our Lady of Peace:  I write, on behalf of my Diocese and the Mission Office, to convey our heartfelt sentiment of gratitude to you for the wonderful hospitality I enjoyed in your parish during my… Read More »Summit Celebration with Archbishop Perez

Generosity is abundant

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Thank you for your generous contributions to the Pontifical Missionary Society. So far $600 has been collected. Your contributions, as Father Bernard reminded us, supports numerous global missionary initiatives. Envelopes for the Pontifical Missionary Society can be found at the entrances of our churches; and they may be placed in the collection basket or dropped off at the rectory. Thank… Read More »Generosity is abundant

Go Father Bosco!

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Thursday of this week, 15 August, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Peace Church at 8:30 on Thursday morning then at Notre Dame de Lourdes at 6:30 on Thursday evening. We are blessed to have two Churches and a school dedicated… Read More »Go Father Bosco!

the Bread of Life Discourse

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The Gospel at our Sunday Liturgies for the next month will feature the Bread of Life Discourse from the sixth chapter of the Holy Gospel According to St. John. The Bread of Life Discourse is a gradual unfolding of Jesus inaugurating a new Passover into a new Promised Land.   The Discourse begins with the miraculous feeding of the multitude followed… Read More »the Bread of Life Discourse

Feast Day of St. Mary Magdalene

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While the Church was there first, St. Rose of Lima Church is at the head of the Blue Route and at the arc of Interstate 95 as it connects with I-476. So technically, the Tabernacle of the Church is at the crossroads of two interstate highways. The roads lead to the Tabernacle and they extend from it. A beautiful depiction… Read More »Feast Day of St. Mary Magdalene

National Eucharistic Procession

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The 10th National Eucharistic Congress, in Indianapolis, an opportunity to experience a profound personal renewal through the power of Christ’s love begins this Wednesday, 17 July and concludes next Sunday, 21 July. Recall that the National Eucharistic Procession brought the Real Presence of Jesus into communities throughout the country, culminating in Indianapolis. Thus, the Congress is designed as a new… Read More »National Eucharistic Procession

Thank you for your generosity and prayerful support of our parish

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We have just closed the fiscal year and we are halfway through the calendar year. Our Mass attendance participation as well as our collection totals continue to increase. A marked increase has been noted in our On-line Giving program. Thank you for your generosity and prayerful support of our parish. Your love, loyalty, and dedication to our beloved community is… Read More »Thank you for your generosity and prayerful support of our parish

Litany for Liberty

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Blessings for this first week of July and for your July Fourth activities. May God bless us in his kindness and pour out his saving wisdom upon us. The following is an excerpt from the Litany for Liberty from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  For the freedom to love / For the freedom to believe / For the… Read More »Litany for Liberty

The Beauty of Cousins

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Six months until Christmas! Tomorrow, 24 June is the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. We just began the summer season, but the days are growing shorter. St. John the Baptist refers to this when he ponders about the relationship between himself and his cousin, Jesus: “He must increase while I must decrease.” Thus, the Solemnity of… Read More »The Beauty of Cousins